• Hire MBIA Builders

    The foundation of the Montana Building Industry Association is our Builders, Associates, and Affiliates.

    Our members are standing by ready to help you rebuild after a disaster. To find a builder in your area, contact them through your local association or MBIA 406-442-4479.

  • Hiring a Builder or Contractor

    Use this checklist to help you select a home builder or remodeler to repair or rebuild your home following a disaster.

    Contact the Montana Building Industry Association at www.MontanaBIA.com for more information and to be connected to local builders’ associations in your area.

  • Don't Get Scammed

    There are thousands of legitimate, ethical contractors in business around the country.

    Unfortunately, there are also scam artists looking to cheat you out of your money who pose as legitimate contractors. These “fly-by-night” operators often show up in communities impacted by natural disasters to try to scam distressed homeowners into paying for shoddy repairs or work that they will never show up to perform.

  • Rebuilding & Repairing

    Rebuilding and Repairing Your Home After Flooding.

    Following the recent flash flooding in our region, the Montana Building Industry Association would like you to know about the safe and effective methods for cleaning and repair if you are faced with flood damage.

  • Message from the MBIA

    As the community of Babb recovers from the devastating effects of the irrigation siphon collapse, local home builders are warning residents to be aware of scammers that may pose as legitimate contractors. The Montana Building Industry Association encourages all residents to research contractors to avoid paying for substandard home repairs.

    The following is a list of things to remember when hiring a professional contractor. Always do your homework and proceed with care.