• Hire MBIA Builders

    The foundation of the Montana Building Industry Association is our Builders, Associates, and Affiliates.

    Our members are standing by ready to help you rebuild after a disaster. To find a builder in your area, contact them through your local association or MBIA 406-442-4479.

  • Montana Fire Resources

    As communities in Montana prepare and respond to the devastating effects of the wildfires, the Montana Building Industry Association will provide accurate information on rebuilding, finding a builder and/or contractor, and preventing scams and further loss.

    Please follow this page regularly as it will be updated with new information as it becomes available.

  • Reduce Home Wildfire Risk

    This year, wildfires have spread across many parts of the country, endangering many homes in their paths.

    While no technology or building practice can guarantee a home's survivability, some considerations can help make your home more fire-resistant.

  • Firewise Prepare Your Home

    Wildfire risk reduction steps that can make your home safer during a wildfire.

    Talk to your local forestry agency or fire department to learn more about the specific wildfire risk where you live.

  • Fire Resistant Construction

    With summer here, wildfires already have begun to tear across parts of Montana, endangering any homes in their paths. While no technology or building practice can guarantee survivability for a home, there are some considerations, including location, construction details, landscaping, and maintenance, that can help make your home more fire-resistant.

  • Business Wildfire Prevention

    Disasters can happen anywhere, at any time. Home Building industry members must prepare their homes and businesses to keep their families and employees safe if the worst should occur.

    With summer in full swing, the risk of wildfires and other natural disasters grows higher, sometimes posing severe risks to workers in the construction and contracting industry.

  • Rebuilding and Reparing

    After the devastating effects of a wildfire, the Montana Building Industry Association (MBIA) is offering reliable information and resources to help home owners in the community rebuild. MBIA recommends the following five tips to help you begin to restore your home.

  • FEMA: Wildfire Fact Sheet

    Returning to your fire-damaged home will undoubtedly be an emotional experience. But as you go about the task of rebuilding, there are many ways to rebuild safer, stronger, smarter, and more resilient to wildfires. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has teamed with Firewise Communities, the Federal Alli-ance for Safe Housing, and the Institute for Business and Home Safety to provide this resource for rebuilding after a fire.